Cherie Cobb

Presiding Elder, Colorado

Cherie and Michael have been married since 2008.  She is the proud step mom of Garrett who is now in his twenties.  Both Cherie and Michael came to know the Lord, Jesus Christ later in life.  Cherie was told that she ought to go to church one day by a friend and so she did and little did she know God got a hold of her heart that day.  She did not grow up in the church except for attending randomly with her family on Christmas and Easter.  She always says that God has a great sense of humor!  She has been a pastor since 2015 serving churches in SW Colorado then Salt Lake City UT and now back in Colorado serving in the NW corner of the state.  She has a Masters degree in business and received her MDiv from Asbury Theological Seminary and was ordained as an Elder. Her love for Jesus shines and she is happy to serve other clergy and churches as the Presiding Elder for the Colorado district.

Favorite Scripture:        Acts 1:8

Fun Fact:            Cherie has a personal signed autograph from Mr. Whipple, “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin.”  When she was in elementary school, he visited their next door neighbor!