Connectional Giving

How to Pay Connectional Giving

Connectional Funding (apportionments) will look different in the Global Methodist Church. See below for more information on how and where to send your connectional giving. The following percentages are based off of your church's 2024 operating income.

Please note, your Local Heartland connectional funding and your General Church connectional funding are to be sent to two different places.

You can click the button below to download a Connectional Funding Form to fill out and include with your payment.


Local Churches Connectional Funding percentage for the Heartland Conference: 3%

Please make sure the check notates what church it is for, and if it is monthly, quarterly, or annual giving.

**If you are paying online, please only do so via ACH, not credit card due to credit card fees.

Checks Payable:

Heartland Annual Conference

P.O. Box 699

Goddard, KS 67052


Local Churches Connectional Funding percentage for the Global Methodist Church: 1%

Checks Payable:

Global Methodist Church
P.O. Box 1360
King George, VA 22485

*make sure to select “Connectional Funding” in the Gift Purpose dropdown menu