Prayer Workshop: Claremore First Methodist Church

August 16 - 17  |  Claremore First Methodist Church

1615 Oklahoma 88, Claremore, OK 74017, USA

Fellowship ~ Learn ~ Practice


Rev. David Player & Mrs. Allison Woods, Co-Directors, Heartland Prayer Ministry
Pastor Susan Innes, GMC Prayer Steering Committee


Friday, August 16th – Saturday, August 17th
5pm – 8pm and 8:30am – 12:30pm


Claremore First Methodist Church (GMC)
1615 N Hwy 88
Claremore, OK 74017
Important Details:
  • Please register by responding to
  • Cost is $20/person; payable upon arrival ~ covers Friday dinner and all snacks
  • Friday events begin at 5pm with dinner followed by fellowship, worship and prayer
  • Saturday morning fellowship begins at 8am with pastries, coffee and tea
  • Saturday Teachings and Practice begin at 8:30am:
    • Walking with God
    • Hearing God Speak
    • Interceding for Others
  • Be sure to bring your Bible and a journal or pad of paper
  • A Love Offering will be taken to assist the Prayer Ministry of the Heartland PAC